Nope, not dead- just been hibernating. I hope I didn't worry any of you. By popular request, I am moving the Tarantula post down the blog scroll, out of easy viewing. YOU are all welcome :) (though, shame on you). p.s. Spidey is currently stationed on my kitchen counter enjoying her summer break and freedom from constant tapping on her tank window as class pet.
Any ways, HAPPY SUMMER TIME!! Funny, I am supposed to be sitting on my rear end eating Bon Bons and watching re-runs (there is still time for all of that), but it seems I have been running like a chicken with my head cut off. Summer started with some serious deep cleaning on the ol' Carver bunker and some gruling Girl's Camp planning.... then an awesome trip back East to NY, DC, and Boston with Hunter's Mom (my travel buddy); afterwards Girl's Camp, beachin' @ Bear Lake, and then back to serious cleaning on the Carver Bunker. Way fun. Which brings us up to date. The plan today (surprising I have thought ahead), I think, is going to go like this: Check my email (first time in 4 weeks), blog (first time in 5 months....), maybe do the dishes, maybe shower (don't judge), and off to the pool with Liz and Lucy to have my first session of farmer tan removal, drink lots of Diet Coke, and eat Bon Bons (does anyone know what Bon Bons even are?). Wish me luck, I'm exhausted already. :)
To push Spidey further down the blog scroll I am including a few pictures of my trip back East for your PLEASURE!! You are welcome!

Notice: Upon closer examination, Linda is groping the Statue of Liberty

Hiding my true feelings for the Speaker of the House. Yup, that's a Birdie behind the hand :)
Katie and I rubbing the bull's nose, it's supposed to bring you good luck and we did get to see Nicolas Cage that night..... I'd say it worked :)
Singing "Sweet Caroline" at the Red Sox game. Fenway was AWESOME!!